Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Portfolio Contract (must be included with your portfolio)


Portfolio assessment enables the English Department to judge your readiness for English ll0 by evaluating selected samples of your writing. English instructors will look at your final drafts and your earlier drafts to assess your ability to think, plan, draft, revise and edit your work. You will choose three essays from among all those you have written for the course. Two of these must be expository essays, and the third may be either narrative or expository. One of these three essays must respond to a written text (all summaries, paraphrases, and quotations should be cited according to MLA format). The fourth essay will be your timed essay, which your instructor will place in your portfolio. This timed essay allows evaluators to assess your ability to plan, write and revise without assistance from your instructor or your peers.

In order to qualify for portfolio assessment, you must have completed all requirements established by your instructor for course credit. In other words, only students in good standing will be considered for portfolio assessment.

Specific requirements for your selected portfolio essays:

l. The final draft must be typed and free of instructor’s or peers’ comments or marks. It may include neatly penned corrections. Each paper should be more than two and a half pages and no more than five pages, with a standard l2 point font and 1.25 inch margins. Double space the entire essay.

2. All prior drafts should be stapled to the back of the final draft. You should have a maximum of three prior drafts and a minimum of one. At least one of your prior drafts must have instructor comments.

3. Do not include a title page. Type a heading in the upper left hand corner of page one as follows: your name; the course; the date. Use the header to put your last name and page number in the upper right hand corner of each page. Do not include your instructor’s name. (If your instructor’s name is on any prior drafts, please cross it out with black ink.) Center your title below the heading. (See other side for model.)

4. Place your three essays in a standard sized manila folder (not an envelope). Manila folders are available in the SBCC bookstore for 20 cents; do not use any other type of folder please. Your instructor will add your departmental essay exam.
* If your portfolio does not meet the above criteria, it will be automatically disqualified.

My portfolio meets the requirements l-4 listed above.


Please include this sheet (with your signature) in your portfolio

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